
This B2B SaaS product enables large companies like Flickr,
Bolt build Products compliant with US state privacy laws
Research synthesis
Visual design
Product manager, Jesse Herlitz
Interactive Prototypes
Walkthrough demos
DS Components
4 months
Customer problems & Project overview
How do you convert a laborious manual form filling activity into an exciting and seamless task like Typeform/Googleform?
In order to build a new product in large B2B/B2C companies, you have to do a Data Privacy Impact Assessment. This is one of the Data processing assessments to be made when dealing with personal data, and is to be submitted to the state Attorney-General.
We uncovered these user pain points:
It's a laborious process riddled with operational friction
The problem of ambiguity as each organization has different data processing needs.
What did I learn?
Providing an answer to these questions involved giving the users these capabilities:
A Template editor/designer
A Customer data request management portal
An Assessments library
How the solutions performed
Transcend can now pre-populate templates with relevant metadata from the customer's Data Inventory map, accelerating their workflows and simplifying privacy compliance.
The Template editor → Admin lands here when they create
a new template. They can:
✅ Switch between Create and Preview modes. Preview mode is what will customer will
see when the form link is opened
✅ Set Question types for customers, and Placeholder suggestions

Editor elements: Multiple choice & file upload question types

Editor elements: Table question type
Editor elements: navigation components

Editor elements: Paragraph and short question types


Solution & Impact overview
Transcend can now pre-populate templates with relevant metadata from the customer's Data Inventory map, accelerating their workflows and simplifying privacy compliance.
© February 2025