
This B2B SaasS product lets you incorporate

your company in any country including the US.

Also covers licensing, taxes, & trademark reg.





MVP design


Visual design

Product manager, Kunle



Developer handoff Mini-design system

DS Components


3 weeks

Customer problems & Project overview

How do you convert a laborious manual form filling activity into an exciting and seamless task like Typeform/Googleform?

In order to build a new product in large B2B/B2C companies, you have to do a Data Privacy Impact Assessment. This is one of the Data processing assessments to be made when dealing with personal data, and is to be submitted to the state Attorney-General.

We uncovered these user pain points:

  • It's a laborious process riddled with operational friction

  • The problem of ambiguity as each organization has different data processing needs.

Providing an answer to these questions involved giving the users these capabilities:

  • A Template editor/designer

  • Customer data request management portal

  • Assessments library

What did I learn?

  • Designing features for file upload, complex table flow, & flows for website entry, multichoice, long text, short text, and rating

  • Interaction patterns, nuances and mental model for designing a robust Template Editor

  • Design thinking in 'creator', and 'preview' modes

How the solutions performed

Transcend can now pre-populate templates with relevant metadata from the customer's Data Inventory map, accelerating their workflows and simplifying privacy compliance.

The Template editor → Admin lands here when they create

a new template. They can:

✅ Switch between Create and Preview modes. Preview mode is what will customer will

see when the form link is opened

✅ Set Question types for customers, and Placeholder suggestions

Editor elements: Multiple choice & file upload question types

Editor elements: Table question type

Editor elements: navigation components

Editor elements: Paragraph and short question types


How the solutions performed

Transcend can now pre-populate templates with relevant metadata from the customer's Data Inventory map, accelerating their workflows and simplifying privacy compliance.

© February 2025